Get to Know
Our Cattle
As you most likely realized by now your females are the foundation of your herd. We feel they should be beautiful, calm, sound, correctly marked and POLLED. Yes, we focus on POLLED Herefords.
We are bringing in females to the herd that have traits we like and think the breed needs to stay healthy into the future. This is done by careful selection of both cattle and pedigrees. We believe that you should only own cattle that you like to look at, you can't just go off the pedigrees.
Having a quality, sound, reproductive and maternal herd of cows will be the most important part of your program. We still own a large percentage of the original cow lines with which we started. We lucked out with some great females to start our herd.
Improving your cattle herd takes years, the herd sire influences 50% of your calf crop and the percentage goes up if you plan on keeping his daughters.
You get what you pay for. Choosing the right herd sire can accelerate your herd profitability and performance.
We interact with our bulls every day. Making them calm and used to people.